Podcasting for Solopreneurs | Podcasting Tips and Growth Strategies for Online Business, Entrepreneur, and Solopreneur

55. Do I Need to Rerecord Everything If I Change My Podcast Name? Podcasting Tips for Rebranding

Julia Levine | The Podcast Teacher™ (Podcasting Growth Coach)

FAQ Friday answering the question of "Do I Need to Rerecord Everything If I Change My Podcast Name?"

This episode was produced by me, The Podcast Teacher! Contact me at Hello@ThePodcastTeacher.com.

👋 Send me your podcasting question! I'll answer it in an upcoming episode. Include your name and the name of your podcast/business if you'd like a shout out! 😀

Welcome to Podcasting for Solopreneurs, and FAQ Friday, where I answer a common podcasting question in 5 minutes or less. Today's question is, do I have to rerecord everything if I change my podcast name? This question comes from listener Cassie. Hey, Cassie. Thanks for listening. She asked this after I announced my podcast rebrand from podcasting for introverts to podcasting for solopreneurs. The short answer is no. You definitely don't need to rerecord everything if you change your podcast name. You will need to rerecord your podcast intro and possibly the outro too if you mention the name of your podcast there, And you'll use those new recordings for all episodes going forward, but you do not need to go back and change anything in your previous episodes.

The exception to that is possibly your very first episode. I usually recommend rerecording that episode to give context about the show's current direction for any new listeners who find the show and start with episode 1. There are 2 types of people, people who start with your most recent episode and people who go all the way back to episode 1 and start from there. So if you're rerecording episode 1, I recommend stating that episodes 2 through whatever number were released under your old branding of ABC and that starting with episode number blank, the show pivoted to xyz branding. At the time of this recording, I actually haven't found the time to do this for my podcast yet, so it's definitely not critical, but it is something that's great to do when you have the time. If you have a podcasting question, click the send me your question link in the episode description, and I'll answer it in an upcoming episode. Until next time, happy podcasting.

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