Podcasting for Introverts | Podcasting Tips to Start, Grow, and Monetize a Podcast for Introvert Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, and Online Coaches

45. Should I Number My Podcast Episodes? Podcasting Tips & Strategies

September 13, 2024 Julia Levine | The Podcast Teacher™ (Podcasting Coach)

FAQ Friday answering the question of "Should I Number My Podcast Episodes?"

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This episode was produced by me, The Podcast Teacher! Contact me at Hello@ThePodcastTeacher.com.

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Welcome to podcasting for introverts and FAQ Friday, where I answer a common podcasting question in 5 minutes or less. Today's question is, should I number my podcast episodes? And this question comes from Alicia. Hi, Alicia. Thank you so much for being a listener. To answer your question, yes. Yes. You should number your podcast episodes. It's so hard to reference or find an older episode if they are not numbered.

And the back catalog of your show is an asset, so you want to be able to easily refer people back to previous episodes. So, yes, definitely number your episodes. And I recommend putting the number at the beginning of your episode title, but literally just the number followed by a period or a colon. Don't include the letters e p to abbreviate episode or spell out the word episode. It's unnecessary. It's pretty obvious what that number at the beginning of your title represents, and it eats up additional valuable space. You only have so much room in the display before a long title gets cut off, so you want to maximize that space as much as possible and not take it up with unnecessary things like the word episode. If you are really averse to putting the episode number in your actual title for whatever reason, you can put it as the very first thing in your episode description.

And in most podcast players, this will make it visible in the preview text that appears right below the title. The beginning of the episode description usually shows there. Again, it depends on your player. This is not as good as putting it in the actual title in my opinion, but if you have a really strong feeling about this and you don't want it in your title for whatever reason, this is an acceptable compromise. Alright. If you have a podcasting question, click the text me your question link in the episode description or email me at Julia at the podcast teacher.com, and I'll answer it in an upcoming episode. Until next time. Happy podcasting.

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